Tuesday, April 10, 2012

: Just an update.

This blog, unlike my now deleted music blog, is something I really want to work on. I really want to update this blog on a regular basis, write "reviews" of games, news about games, and such... But the problem is that there are very few games that I like. My taste in games is very narrow. This becomes painfully obvious when I'm at LANs, as there are no current games that I want to play, at all. There are several coming out this year, the first, and biggest, in little over a month, but at the moment there is absolutely nothing.

So, yeah, that's why this blog isn't updated too often. I guess I could have written reviews about older games in the mean time, but that really isn't very interesting. Which is partially why my review of Dungeon Siege 2 hasn't been released yet. I was probably more than halfway through, then I just lost interest in it, and in writing the review about it. It's still "in progress", though, so I might complete it at some point. Maybe during the next month, while I wait for Diablo III.

But yeah. I wish I had a broader taste in games, so I had more to write about, but that is not the case. I don't want to force myself to play games I don't like, much less pay for them. So updates on this blog might be few and far between. But unlike my music blog, I will keep this one.

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